Nadia + Mujtaba | Couple's Session

Raleigh, North Carolina Wedding Photographer
Posted by S2S at 7:12 AM 3 comments
Filter: Couples
So, it's been a long time coming - I finally launched my new site. Waited for this one for over a year and a half and had been planning to launch it close to New Years 2009. I absolutely love the way it came out and find it to be something I can grow into. This coming year, I want to press hard on branding and image - hopefully, this site will be a vital tool.
Posted by S2S at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Filter: Business
Last year Weddings Magazine approached us about an open slot for advertising in their publication -- which so happens to be one of the largest distributed and longest running wedding publications in this area. They offered us a discounted deal if we would photograph before and after shots for some makeup artists featured in the magazine. We agreed to it and setup a shoot a few months later. The photoshoot was to be done at an upscale club house where we were given a tight hallway to work with. The photos had to be half body shots displaying dress details, makeup, hair, and jewelry.
Posted by S2S at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Filter: Portrait
The temperatures are dropping and it's becoming really quiet outside. There is something to be said for the calmness that winter brings -- I love the mellowness, the understated atmosphere, and winter clothes. Winter also brings the opportunity to stay in and think and that (along with finals, work, and papers) have kept me very busy for the past two weeks. Now that secondary midterms and papers are all in and finished, I have loads of post-processing and album designs that have to get finished this weekend and considering I'll be in NYC tomorrow morning visiting family, I'm left with today as crunch day.
Posted by S2S at 8:48 AM 1 comments
Filter: Business
So, this was one of my biggest weddings ever and required me to travel to two different states. At the time, I was working with Sahid Limon of Limon Photography. The wedding, like typical Southeast Asian weddings, consisted of four days - two days would be held in Youngstown, Ohio and the other two days would be held the following weekend in Newark, Delaware.
Posted by S2S at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Filter: Wedding
In the spirit of being efficient in the service that my company provides, I have been considering a new approach to the way we do things. As wedding photographers we are continually improving our post-processing, lighting, and photography techniques. We integrate the newest products into our packages. After all, a business needs to adapt and continuously provide the client with reasons to come back. Many photographers compete with one another on actual images produced, however, not too many realize that the quality of service they provide as a whole is just as important -- many have outdated business structures and inefficiencies in their work flow.
I've decided to promise clients something that all of us can appreciate: a little extra attention -- specifically, attention to timeliness.
The workflow I've developed provides attention not only to the pictures, but also the delivery process itself. Just as clients shouldn't have to be pressed into limited packages or to count hours and minutes, clients should have their pictures in hand as quickly as possible.
By that token, I now offer:
- proofs within forty-eight hours of the wedding event.
- finished album designs within two weeks of the wedding date.
- delivery of albums within ten days of client's final design approval.
- DVD of post-processed images within 3 weeks.
People hate waiting. It's time to give people what they want.
Posted by S2S at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Filter: Business
I had the opportunity to cover Hanna's "official engagement dinner". A lot of Egyptians have a formal party with a 'sherbet' drinking ritual to mark the engagement of the couple. So, think of this shoot as pretty much an engagement session - except that it was at the Radison and there were probably 200+ people there.
Posted by S2S at 12:03 PM 1 comments
Filter: Couples
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