Freedom | Documentary
Sameer is a good childhood friend of mine and a local graffiti artist. There was a 3 hour event at the NCSU's Freedom Expression Tunnel where various artists were making murals condemning the current war in the Middle East. Sameer called me up and asked me if I wanted to go and document him doing his thing and I agreed. By the time we got there, most of the people had finished and left - we stayed from 8:30pm to 12:00am. It started to get really cold really fast, but we managed to stay out there for the duration of the project. While he is capable of developing very complex graffiti art, this was a pretty straight forward piece.
Enjoy the pictures...

hey, salaams!
awesome series. love the one where his shadow is "painted" on the wall, and the ones showing the flash flare in the lens.
nice work!
mA, great work on both of your parts...
for photography to be great, the content needs to be great =)
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