Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Different Approach... Timeliness

In the spirit of being efficient in the service that my company provides, I have been considering a new approach to the way we do things. As wedding photographers we are continually improving our post-processing, lighting, and photography techniques. We integrate the newest products into our packages. After all, a business needs to adapt and continuously provide the client with reasons to come back. Many photographers compete with one another on actual images produced, however, not too many realize that the quality of service they provide as a whole is just as important -- many have outdated business structures and inefficiencies in their work flow.

I've decided to promise clients something that all of us can appreciate: a little extra attention -- specifically, attention to timeliness. 

The workflow I've developed provides attention not only to the pictures, but also the delivery process itself. Just as clients shouldn't have to be pressed into limited packages or to count hours and minutes, clients should have their pictures in hand as quickly as possible. 

By that token, I now offer:

- proofs within forty-eight hours of the wedding event.

- finished album designs within two weeks of the wedding date.

- delivery of albums within ten days of client's final design approval.

- DVD of post-processed images within 3 weeks.

People hate waiting. It's time to give people what they want.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hanna + Ziyad | Engagement

I had the opportunity to cover Hanna's "official engagement dinner". A lot of Egyptians have a formal party with a 'sherbet' drinking ritual to mark the engagement of the couple. So, think of this shoot as pretty much an engagement session - except that it was at the Radison and there were probably 200+ people there.

Most of the time, I was inside covering the dinner and speeches. I, literally, only had 5 minutes to grab some pictures of the couple by themselves. So, no time to really get any creative juices flowing - took them outside, made them laugh, shot a few frames, and then went back inside.

Enjoy the pictures:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Swapna + Ravi | Wedding

Swapna and Ravi were my first major clients and had booked me about a little over a year ago. Swapna had contacted me after seeing some images I had shot for a friend of mine -- who incidentally was an old schoolmate of hers. This wedding quickly became a multi-faceted challenge...

Originally, I had been contracted for 8 hours of coverage over the span of 2 days. This, pretty much at the last second, became a little over 18 hours over 4 days. The first 2 days were in-house celebrations and rituals, the 3rd day was the actual morning wedding ceremony and evening reception, and the 4th day was the bride's welcoming ceremony. Swapna texted me at 2:30AM, just as I was about to sleep after 12 hours of shooting the wedding and reception. She told me that the welcoming ceremony the next morning had been moved up by an hour. S2S Photography was there even earlier. 

Then the biggest challenge:

I had originally promised them a 48 hour proof turn around time. Turns out, they were leaving the day after on their honeymoon to South Africa for a few weeks and really wanted to take the pictures with them. This gave me half the time to take care of a job that had become twice the size. Swapna had her proofs before her flight.

The following pictures are from the 3rd and 4th days:

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S2S Photography is a wedding and event photography company based in Raleigh, North Carolina. Saad Syed is the head photographer and is available for contracting throughout the continental 48 states. 

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